Aug 6Liked by Mila Popovic Geoui

I need to do more of these exercises. May be I should do it, every half and hour during writing.

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You can do it whenever you feel like, for 3-10 breaths.

You dont even have to take a long break. What is important is how we sit or stand while breathing, spine should be straight but relaxed,so that our diaphragm is not squished. If any questions,feel free to DM me.

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Hey Mila, this is such an awesome post! I would always work on diaphragm breathing when I played the saxophone in school to get more air and a better tone out of it, so I knew there were some benefits to it. But I didn’t realize it gives you better digestion and decreases your stress! I’m definitely going to train myself to do this more now! Thank you so much for sharing this! :)

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Hi Khadejah, thank you for reading it and practicing it. saxophone,wow! I love how saxophone sounds and tried several lessons 15 years ago, but it was giving me kind of a pressure in my sinuses,so I quit. I’m a music lover and play piano.

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Haha, ya, playing saxophone has definitely given me some headaches over the years because of the breathing strength. That’s awesome that you play piano! I’ve tried to learn it on and off, but I’m gonna try and be more consistent at it. :)

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Jun 13Liked by Mila Popovic Geoui

Deep breaths

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This type of breathing pretty much saved my life. I kept having heart palpitations, panic, all that. And then I started doing diaphragmic breathing in meditation... and it really changed everything. That being said, it was kind of hard to get going on it at first. It doesn't really *feel* like you're breathing... Once you get the hang of it, life changing.

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Hallo Adam, I am so happy to hear such stories of success thanks to breathing practices! 🤩🎊

yes, it may feel bizarre at first, but it’s actually the most natural way to breathe.

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Waow! I didn't know about this. I'm practicing it as I read. Thank you so much.

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Thanks Michael for practicing🙌it. How did you feel? Any new sensations?

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I felt a sense of calmness This is here to stay. I’ll do this every day. I’m asking myself why I didn’t know about this all these years.

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This makes me happy😍! Thank you and practice daily:-) i ll publish more pieces about breathing with exercises.

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I heard someone once call the diaphragm as a trampoline for the heart. I loved that. I usually describe it to my clients as a parachute, with the psoas muscles as the parachute strings.

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Thanks Teri🎊 for reading. Beautiful metaphor “a trampoline for the heart” 😍

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